[PROP #2][APPROVED] [UPDATED] Increase the Active Validator Set to 125


Not really, while you will have constant X validator owning 66% of the voting power, this X validators will be enough to collude and attack the chain. (and 33% of the voting power to avoid consensus)

What if “all people that agree” are peoples currently out of the set?
The foundation delegations are in many many cases sources of conflicts. some validators tends to think they are mandatory and are almost invisible, only living thanks to random staking and foundation delegations.

in you opinion, how many peoples looks at this elements before making a validator choice ?


again, the securities and network resilience will only happen if the top 33% voting power move from top5 and the 66% from top20

it is not an element of the question, if you are not able to reach the minimum to have you validator active, you always have the possibility to stake on an active validator. It’s exactly the subject of the dPOS, to delegate you vote (aka your trust) to a third party entity


This is the exactly situation now, the voting power is centralized with top 10. So the aim of decentralization is to bring more validators, each of them has own communities and other users will also come to stake. Of course they will consider who can give them more rewards from delegation. Then commission rate will be one of the key. By this mechanism, the decentralization will be developed timely, that is the purpose of blockchain also.

Not only the small validators think in this way, if we are talking about the number of people, communities as the voting power, then we can see how many people think it’s better. But of course by on-chain governance we are using tokens as voting power and that is much depending on the decision of big hands. Why don’t we do something to improve the decentralization, it will be better world.

i can not say how many, but sure if validators are trying to contribute more by improving their services and try to attractive more communities. Who will get benefit? All of the ecosystem!!! Is that the aim of building a chain?

Yes, it’s current situation and also the reason for this proposal. It will slowly improve the decentralization by taking this proposal as first good step.

Yes, but it will be forever as the game of the rich. We will never go to decentralization by that way.


let make a point in 1 month to see what have changed. :ok_man:


This is a good suggestion!


Should we set validator role for 125 validators?