Hey there Dymension community! We’ve gathered some interesting blockchain data to share with you.
Here are the top 5 Dymension validators ranked by total stake as of May 1, 24:
- - 36,874,473 DYM
- Big Brain Staking - 36,192,854 DYM
- Stratos - 34,968,221 DYM
- Sanchez - 34,200,573 DYM
- Maxtake - 33,909,527 DYM
Here are the top 5 Dymension validators ranked by total delegators amount as of May 1, 24.
- PRYZM | StakeDrop - 134,801 delegators
- ValiDAO - 41,236 delegators
- Stakecito - 32,453 delegators
- Imperator.co - 28,997 delegators
- NodeStake - 28,916 delegators
These are the top 5 Dymension validators ranked by self stake amount as of May 1, 24:
- Chorus One - 1,400,000 DYM
- Forbole - 1,000,000 DYM
- P-OPS Team - 172,022 DYM
- Vault Staking - 104,268 DYM
- Staking4All - 100,459 DYM
We’re thrilled to announce the top 5 Dymension validators who experienced the biggest staking gains in the past month! Congratulations to them:
- Astral Nodes +11,952,303 DYM
- BlockHunters +2,005,188 DYM
- Dr.BE +2,003,078 DYM
- Numia +1,252,639 DYM
- NIM NETWORK +824,507 DYM
Impressive work guys, keep it up!
Let’s also give congrats to the top 5 Dymension validators who increased their delegator count the most during the past month:
- PRYZM | StakeDrop +5,822 delegators
- Stakecito +2,236 delegators
- POSTHUMAN +1,395 delegators
- Cosmostation +998 delegators
- Cumulo +681 delegators
Sad, but not all changes were positive. Here are the 5 Dymension validators that had the biggest decrease in staking amount:
- Keplr -4,997,451 DYM
- BlockPI Network -2,991,805 DYM
- Maxtake -2,186,284 DYM
- Stratos -1,603,571 DYM
- MZONDER -920,143 DYM
Here are the 5 Dymension validators who had the most delegator losses during the past month.
- ValiDAO -949 delegators
- NacionCrypto -276 delegators
- silent -237 delegators
- Equinox -212 delegators
- Hex Technologies -195 delegators
Here are the top 5 Dymension validators with the best Block performance in the past month.
- WhisperNode - 100% performance
- polkachu.com - 100% performance
- BwareLabs - 100% performance
- Lefey - 100% performance
- Allnodes - 100% performance
You’re setting the standard!
Here are the 5 Dymension validators with the worst Block performance. We strongly encourage these validators to enhance their performance.
- Builder Capital - 94.9% signed blocks
- kooltek68 - 96% signed blocks
- Artifact - 96.8% signed blocks
- Meria - 98.0% signed blocks
- Bad Kids - 98.6% signed blocks
Looking for more info? Check out One-stop validator portal — Validator.Info for real-time analytics, changes from various periods, and more!
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