Dymension Staking Report. August 2024 (By Validator.Info)

Hey there Dymension community! We’ve gathered some interesting blockchain data to share with you.

Here are the top 5 Dymension validators ranked by total stake as of September 1, 24:

  1. :gem::palms_up_together: - 36,370,892 DYM
  2. Big Brain Staking - 36,022,187 DYM
  3. Astral Nodes - 35,060,491 DYM
  4. Stratos - 34,841,987 DYM
  5. Sanchez - 31,887,200 DYM

Here are the top 5 Dymension validators ranked by total delegators number as of September 1, 24.

  1. PRYZM | StakeDrop - 109,202 delegators
  2. ValiDAO - 33,205 delegators
  3. Stakecito - 26,553 delegators
  4. NodeStake - 25,177 delegators
  5. Imperator.co - 23,193 delegators

These are the top 5 Dymension validators ranked by self-stake amount as of September 1, 24:

  1. Chorus One - 1,400,000 DYM
  2. Forbole - 1,000,000 DYM
  3. P-OPS Team - 172,022 DYM
  4. Vault Staking - 106,656 DYM
  5. Staking4All - 100,459 DYM

We’re thrilled to announce the top 5 Dymension validators who experienced the biggest stake increase in the past month! Congratulations to them:

  1. Decentrio +13,993,637 DYM
  2. Astral Nodes +3,616,644 DYM
  3. MZONDER +3,569,263 DYM
  4. alphab.ai +1,842,775 DYM
  5. AVIAONE.com +1,200,065 DYM

Impressive work guys, keep it up!

Let’s also give congrats to the top 5 Dymension validators who increased their delegator count the most during the past month:

  1. POSTHUMAN +64 delegators
  2. Cosmostaking +63 delegators
  3. :gem::palms_up_together: +28 delegators
  4. Astral Nodes +24 delegators
  5. StakeUp +13 delegators


Here are the top 5 Dymension validators with the best Block performance in the past month.

  1. WhisperNode - 100% performance
  2. AVIAONE.com - 100% performance
  3. Lefey - 100% performance
  4. BwareLabs - 100% performance
  5. The Igloo Company - 100% performance

You’re setting the standard!

Here are the 5 Dymension validators with the most voting activity during the past month:

  1. :gem::palms_up_together: - 1/1 votes submitted
  2. Decentrio - 1/1 votes submitted
  3. Bware Labs - 1/1 votes submitted
  4. Cumulo - 1/1 votes submitted
  5. Cosmostaking - 1/1 votes submitted

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