DYM Testnet Faucet Restrictions

The current DYM testnet faucet has a weekly limit, which means that users and operators can only claim a certain amount of DYM tokens within a given week. Dymension has already launched its mainnet, and there has been a significant decrease in the number of listed RollApps compared to before the mainnet launch, by at least tenfold. This reduction in the number of RollApps is seen as a positive development because it suggests that while the quantity of RollApps has decreased, the quality has increased probably tenfold. This implies that the remaining RollApps are more aligned with the project’s goals and are of higher quality.

Given this context, the argument is that the restrictions on the DYM faucet should be relaxed. The reasoning is that if the quality of RollApps has improved significantly, then it would be beneficial to allow both users and operators to claim more DYM tokens. This could potentially incentivize further engagement and development within the ecosystem, as more DYM could be used for staking, participating in governance, or other network activities that require the token.


I agree, im currently waiting for my testnet faucet waiting period to lease

Need more DYM to keep testing these cool rolapps

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