[RollApp Submission] Introducing Crynux: The Truly Permissionless AI Infrastructure on GPU@edge

What is Crynux

Crynux is a decentralized blockchain network built on Dymension where anyone can contribute their computing power or use it for various tasks, focused specifically for AI computing needs. Members join without needing permission, contributing to a pool of resources that support a wide range of applications while earning tokens in exchange. This setup ensures secure, private, and democratized access to computing resources for everyone.

Crynux is the truly permissionless AI infrastructure on Edge.

Truly Permissionless

The key component of Crynux is a robust consensus protocol that enables the permissionless joining and using of the decentralized network by millions.

The ability to identify and penalize all malicious behaviors ensures the ecosystem’s sustainability while facilitating healthy growth in the long term.

The innovative vssML technology significantly enhances network efficiency, rivaling centralized platforms while remaining decentralized and permissionless.

The details of the underlying technology can be found in this section of Crynux’s documentation:


Production-Ready AI Services Cloud, on Edge

As the foundation layer, Crynux Network is composed of the edge nodes, including home computers and mobile devices, who provide hardware to the network in exchange for tokens.

Applications could run tasks such as GPT text generation and Stable Diffusion image generation using various models hosted on the Crynux Network. The integration could be implemented in one-line of code using Crynux SDK.

Model developers use Crynux Network to train/fine-tune their models, and provide models as a service for applications and other developers, earning from the usage of their models.

Mobile devices could also be AI-enhanced by running larger and faster models beyond their current capabilities.

Join our Discord group to check out an application in action: the image generation game running on the Crynux Network:


Follow the instructions on how to play the game in the #rules channel:


DeFi Ecosystem built on the Model and Data Assets

Building on top of the AI services, an innovative DeFi ecosystem could emerge around “Model Assets” and “Data Assets”. All the current DeFi products could be reimagined using the brand-new assets as their base assets.

For example, the developers of AI models can tokenize the models using Crynux, sharing the rewards from model usage with the model token holders.

Model tokens can be used as collateral in various DeFi applications. These applications can be deployed directly on the Crynux Blockchain or as modular L2 chains that connect to Crynux via cross-chain communication. Existing DeFi applications on other blockchains are also supported.

The Incentivized Testnet is Live

The incentivized testnet, Helium Network, is already up and running.

Start a node today to earn the test CNX tokens, which will be converted to real CNX tokens at mainnet launch.

Follow the tutorial below to start a node right away:

Start a node on Windows


Start a node on Mac


Start a node using Docker


Play games in the Crynux Discord to earn the credits

If you don’t have a capable GPU at hand, don’t worry, you can still earn credits in the Discord server of Crynux by playing the AI games and helping Crynux spread.

The credits will also be converted to CNX tokens at mainnet launch.

Join the Discord now:



The CNX token facilitates the trading of computational power, models, and datasets within the Crynux Network. Applications use CNX to pay for AI task execution, while nodes earn CNX by performing these tasks.

In addition to the fees paid by applications, nodes receive extra rewards from the token minting mechanism. By providing higher-quality service and serving for longer periods, nodes earn a larger share of the newly minted tokens.

The CNX token has a total supply of 8,617,333,262, which is the first 10 digits of the Boltzmann constant. A small portion will be generated at the mainnet launch. These tokens will be used for test token conversion, airdrops, funding the treasury and rewarding early backers.

The remaining tokens will be generated over the next 30 years following the mainnet launch. These tokens will be distributed to the nodes and applications according to their contribution to the network.

We are still finalizing the exact numbers and rules. They will be released shortly.


The Crynux Network evolves through the sequential release of various networks, which are named after the elements in the Periodic Table. Each network builds upon its predecessor by introducing additional features and improvements. Initial releases are designated as testnets, serving as preliminary versions for testing purposes. Subsequent releases are mainnets, which incorporate upgrades to the previous networks through forking.

Helium Network (Current Phase)

Helium Network is the latest testnet of the Crynux Network.

Helium Network implements a decentralized AI task execution engine that supports the applications to run the Stable Diffusion image generation tasks and the GPT text generation tasks.

The featured consensus protocol is robust enough to detect and penalize all the malicious behaviors in the network, allowing everyone to join the network using Nvidia GPU and Mac.

Lithium Network

Lithium Network will be the first mainnet, aiming to support various use cases around AI models, including fine-tuning and text-to-video tasks. It will also feature model hosting and a model marketplace.

Lithium Network aims to expand its application ecosystem by initiating grant programs to onboard more applications. Model developers will be incentivized to introduce high-quality and innovative models to the marketplace.

Beryllium Network

Beryllium Network will focus on the cross-chain ecosystem and DeFi.

The minting mechanism will be launched to attract more nodes, enhancing computing power to meet the growing application demands.

Multi-chain architecture will enable applications to operate on various L1/L2 chains. Nodes will concurrently receive tasks from multiple chains via cross-chain communication.

Model tokenization will be implemented. Additional grant programs will be introduced to encourage developers to build DeFi applications on the Crynux Rollapp. Strategic partnerships with existing DeFi applications will also be established.


We are a team of engineers and researchers from Google.

We have the engineer who built Tensorflow distributed training and edge inference; the researcher who built factuality and retrieval augmented mechanisms in Gemini; the first author and most cited researcher who invented Federated Learning.

We are backed by top angel investors and advisors behind Stability AI, BitTensor, Ritual, Sentient, and many other leading AI Web3 projects.




Official Website




Thanks for introducing the project. Eagerly waiting for In-detailed tokenomics with numbers of each categories. I wonder if you can give ETA info about various phases of the projects. For eg: Mainnet launch time.

Also, i think in the airdrop and testnet incentives category, it would be prudent to introduce VESTING. The exact specifics of the VESTING can be sought from the dymension core team & from our prominent community members as to avoid price manipulation in the token’s initial launch days. I am sure committed community members will have no issue with the VESTING.


Well done guys! great introduction.

Lots of aspects and values in Crynux are aligned with Dymension and the pursue after a truly permissionless network. Can’t wait to see a real decentralized compute marketplace growing.

Also agree with @Karan-Samanvay regarding vesting alignments.

Wish you guys success in manifesting the massive upside potential of this idea.


Welcome to the forum! Great intro! Looking forward to seeing the working product out in the wild on Dymension.

I am interested in learning a bit more on the breakdown of the initial supply such as how much would be generated at TGE and the percentage allocated to airdrop.

I understand testnet CNX would be converted to mainnet CNX. Has the team finalized the conversion ratio yet?

Great job! Congratulations!


These are great ideas. I would excited to see them implemented on the RollApps mainnet. We will vote Yes for you when the proposal is available.