[RollApp Submission][Prop # 17] Introducing Mande Network: The Onchain Credibility Hub for Web3

The Mande Network (mande.network), an innovative venture in the blockchain domain, is set to introduce the Proof of Credibility (PoC) protocol, grounded in the principles of Ubuntu philosophy. Incorporating state-of-the-art blockchain technologies, particularly ZK-Credentials, this next-gen framework is designed to enhance privacy, security, and trust within decentralized applications (DApps). As a pioneering credibility-based protocol within the Dymension ecosystem, the Mande Network underpins each DApp participant with a dynamic credibility score, ensuring a trusted environment for digital interactions.

Organizational Genesis
Emerging from over two years of intensive development, Mande Network’s roots are deeply entrenched in the notion of ingrained trust. The founding team, with a lifetime dedicated to pondering and challenging the concept of trust, is on a quest to encode it within the fabric of human interactions through blockchain and advanced technologies. The objective extends to transforming essential societal domains including but not limited to politics, social platforms, and financial systems. The founding duo consists of Pratik Agarwal (@0xpsychoticx0), an adept developer and the architectural mind behind the Mande Network with experience in leading crypto organizations, and Sandeep M (@TylerDurdenSer), an entrepreneurial visionary with multiple startups to his credit, committed to reshaping societal structures through this initiative. The project has garnered support from distinguished blockchain experts, including Alani Kuye (@AlaniKuye), known for his contributions to Akash Network and other prominent entities in the industry, as well as Deepanshu Tripathi (@deepanshutr), the founder of AssetMantle and an early contributor to the Cosmos ecosystem.

Visionary Objective
Mande Network’s ambitious aim is to sculpt the most robust on-chain credibility framework that acts as the cornerstone for other DApps, fostering trust, privacy, and security. The protocol has already facilitated the creation of P2PX, an intermediary-free fiat exchange leveraging Zero-Knowledge Proofs to combat fraud, generating significant transaction volume. Other projects incubating within this ecosystem include ZeroLend, a decentralized lending platform, Sakura, a novel credibility-based dating application, and Modelverse, a marketplace for decentralized AI services—all built upon the foundational PoC protocol.

Technological Integration
Destined to be amongst the vanguard of RollApps within the Dymension space, the Mande Network is energized by the Celestia Data Availability Layer. The native $MAND token serves as the currency for transaction fees and governance within the RollApp, with a unique staking mechanism empowering users to influence the reputation scores of their peers.

Mande Network Tokenomics

A detailed tokenomics structure is outlined here : https://medium.com/@Mande_Network/mand-token-distribution-draft-9f147be3fdb0, representing the allocation and distribution of $MAND tokens across various categories, along with vesting periods and schedules

RollApp Incentives
RollApp incentives totaling 4 million $MAND tokens will be distributed to early users of the Mande Network RollApp through our credibility staking DAPP at https://app.mande.network/.
These incentives will allow Mande RollApp to acquire a user base and begin building user credibility profiles using “Proof-of-Credibility.”

Strategic Initiatives
The launch of Mande Network heralds a series of initiatives aimed at reinforcing the credibility of DApps infrastructure and operations. The endeavour is set to catalyse a new phase in the blockchain ecosystem, marked by credible incentives, enriched user experience, and innovative applications. Upcoming projects focus on enhancing credibility in areas such as social media, governance, dating, AI, and finance.

Developmental Phases
Phase 1: Incentivized Credibility Testnet
An early testnet featuring a credibility leaderboard will be introduced, rewarding participants with $MAND tokens based on their engagement and performance metrics.

Phase 2: Ecosystem Expansion
Following the testnet, the mainnet launch is imminent, accompanied by an airdrop to active participants and RollDrop rewards for DYM stakeholders. This phase invites developers and users to engage with the PoC mainnet and fosters strategic collaborations within the blockchain landscape.

Phase 3: Ecosystem Grants and Strategic Alliances
An ecosystem grant program will be unveiled to support innovative ideas that leverage the credibility framework for various applications. This phase also includes expanding strategic partnerships across the blockchain sphere.

Get Involved
To become a part of the Mande Network’s journey and stay informed about partnerships, launch schedules, and token details, follow us on our official communication channels, including


to grow together!
I will join your tesnet! welcome!


Hey gmension!

Excited to have you :slight_smile:


I am bullish on mande


You know that I am very enthusiastic about your entry into Dymension

As an active staker of Dymnesion and its projects, I see many Sibyls on your tesnet that have no interaction with third parties.

What will you do about it to eliminate these users who do not use tesnet nor will they put your project to good use in the future.
This also affects those of us who are real users who do not have multi-accounts.

thank you!

You know it’s just a question, because I love your project!


Wallet nro 1

zero history. It is a wallet created only for referrals.

Imagine that we only make referrals and then we sell your token and forget about the project.
That is not encouraging the Dymension community


Thank-you sir - lets go :rocket:


Hello Sir,

Every user is vetted for a minimum of 25 followers on Twitter before they are allowed to join the Testnet. So far, we have authenticated over 44,000 Twitter accounts to try out our test-net over the last 8 days since its launch.

Firstly, understand it’s only a testnet. Secondly, in the entire crypto space, there is a Sybil problem, and we estimate that of the 44,000 accounts that signed up so far, about 10%-15% are Sybils.

We are planning to take the following steps for Mainnet to solve these problems:

  1. Increase the minimum follower limit to be part of Mainnet to 35.
  2. Reduce the Airdrop size to (the square root of the number of Twitter followers/2) - that is, if someone has only 100 followers, they will get only 5 MAND as an Airdrop.

We believe these measures will significantly reduce the drops to Airdrop farmers to less than 5%, while on the upside, we can onboard thousands of users to the mainnet by doing this.

We encourage you to think in probabilistic models rather than in absolutes.

Mande Team


Lot of users create new wallets when they try new networks to protect themselves - Let’s not come to conclusions based on limited data.

The testnet has been an explosive success with 44,000 users onboarded in just 8 days - this is value created for the DYM community. Which other RollAPP onboarded these many users in this short span of time? None, really!

It takes over 500 Twitter accounts to stake credibility for you to top the leaderboard on the testnet. There are many influencers who are making all their followers stake on them, promising them gifts and pledges to share a part of their airdrop with their followers.

This is creating growth for both MANDE and DYM.


With Dymension I have only one account.
The same account where the DYM airdrop won.

It also has Gitcoin Passport 28 pts. GalxePassport, TrustGo Passport, PoH Linea Voyage.

So my account has history, multichain interaction, and all of this is work and money.

So I cannot accept your answer validating a user who has many multiple accounts that will only sell your token.

If you are not selective and do not appreciate Dymension users, we will most likely sell your token and forget about your project.

The community is the strength of each project.
Just look at Dymension, many of us are DYM airdrop winners and we continue to stake because we believe in the project.

The conclusions are presented in facts. not limited data.

follow the wallets, it is not difficult at all to do a little chainalisys to the wallets.
making tracker is easy.

If you want to validate the bots, I’m not with your project.
That easy.

It is easy to create Twitter accounts and have 50/100/500 followers in a week.
If you want to be Sibyl you can be.
It is a matter of choice.

I am anti sibyl and I support projects that take care of those who validate, humanize and value our wallets.

Are there 44,000 users in Mande? nooooooo maybe 10K to 15K and several of them with multi-accounts.


It’s not at all easy to create Twitter accounts with ‘50/100/500 followers’ in a week. Please don’t normalize something that you have not tried!

Neither is it hard to create multiple accounts with a Gitcoin passport score, Galxe Passport, TrustGo Passport, and POH! If not create, there are ways to get other people to serve you with their credentials.

We did the on-chain analysis on the TestNet and realized that 5%-10% of TestNet reward winners might be Sybil farmers. And we are implementing steps on the MainNet to reduce this to under 5%. On Mainnet, we are both slashing down incentives per user as well as increasing the difficulty of claim!

There will always be some Sybil - there is no way really to avoid it - We need to trade off between growth of real users we are able to achieve vs some loss to Sybil farmers. We need to crack a balance here! - We can’t look for absolutely Zero-sybil solutions and not make any progress in the process!

Even if its 10K-15K users that came onboard as you said, thats still an achievement for a network to onboard these many users with less then 0.15% of genesis supply as budget prior to MainNet Launch.


Create my score on Gitcoin, I invite you to do it!
It is not free like a Sibyl account, less than $35 to $50 to achieve that score and of course if you achieve my hisotrial +$600 in minimum fees so we can speak the same language

I want your project to go far.
But I find it difficult to understand and accept that a project discusses the validity of sibyl in front of real users.

And that she is not able to act while in the top 100 on tesnet 30% is Sibyl, but Mande is fine with it.

It’s your project, you know what is best for you.
Greetings and good luck!


The core principles and structure of this project resonate with me, and I believe it aligns well with Dymension’s trajectory. Addressing issues related to Sybil attacks is imperative and should be prioritized shortly. While I understand the inclination to sidestep these concerns for now, it’s worth noting. A point of contention, however, is the disparity in token allocation between Dymension stakers and the development team. I am eager to observe the team’s execution and delivery on these matters.


Thank you for your note. We’re glad our project aligns with Dymension’s trajectory and appreciate your insight on Sybil attacks. Rest assured, we’re prioritizing addressing these concerns.

Regarding token allocation, we understand your point and are committed to fairness. We’ll ensure transparency and keep you updated on our progress.


what DYM stakers receive from the MANDE team.
I make my stake transparent. It is 120DYM

another DYM staker with 220DYM stake has received 8.77 MANDE. a joke!

What those who do not support Dymension at all receive, No stake, but they are given a large part of MANDE.

I will not talk about MANDE or its “fix” on token distribution again.

Clearly Dymension must create a filter so that the projects do not pay themselves and we who have a stake.

They laugh in our faces.

wallet 1st place, zero stake in DYM, win 2,000 MANDE

wallet 4th place, zero stake in DYM, win 2,000 MANDE

wallet 14th place, zero stake in DYM, win 2,000 MANDE

review only the TOP 10 wallet.
None of the wallets have DYM, which means none have stakes in Dymension.
But this project rewards sybils more than stakers. zero DYM in the wallets.

We should support projects that validate sybil and reward them, versus those of us who stake $retake of our DYMs.
The effort is ours.

Draw your own conclusions.


Carteiras da metamask, nĂŁo recebem, nĂŁo? Pois NĂŁo recebe nas minhas carteiras da metamask e q eram Ășnicas nem fraçÔes de MANDE.

Testers on the Testnet are being rewarded because they are putting in honest work they will have to continue to put in honest work till - June 5th @ https://app.mande.network/

Over 100K testers participated in the TestNet so far and this is expected to go over 150K testers of which only the top 5000 testers get rewards and most of them are also DYM community members. Only the top 10 of this 150K testers get $2000MAND —> this is not easy achievement or everyone could have done it.

We have allocated and dropped 10% of our genesis to DYM community to show our gratitude. Our brother NIM dropped 9% - we took it on ourselves to do a little more than them ! your drop would be equal to 0.56*Squareroot(of staked DYM) - we did quadratic fair drop to enable small stakers get a decent drop.

We hope you look at the broader picture and support us.


Hello kindly join our discord for support : Mande Chain

I will never support it. Im sad. disappointment. I hope your product doesn’t turn out the same way. good luck you.

Thankyou sir!

We are committed to bring in great product experiences and make you happy.